Les clubs de foot
Essayez de trouver le logo correspondant à chaque club
par xh3nico
6 questions
1. What is the name of the arsenal team ?
a Reds
b Gunners
c Dogues
d Canaris
2. What is the president of the PSG french club ?
a François Hollande
b Stéphane Clabault
c Nasser al Khelaifi
d Dominique Straus Kan
3. What is the captain of the national french team ?
a Lloris
b Captain America
c Benzema
d Dominique Strauss-Kahn
4. What is the mascot of the Conty football club ?
a Marius Poulet
b Angélina Jolie
c Kaaris
d Red ans black
5. What is the best scorer of the national english team ?
a Nicolas Henocque
b Cristiano Ronaldo
c Wayne Ronney
d Lionel Messi
6. Who is the best football player in the world ?
a Marius Poulet
b Cristiano Ronaldo
c Mac Donalds
d Benzema